
Our path to safety and health interdependence

Author: Katia Arista
Jefe de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de Centrales Hidro y EĆ³licas

In sectors such as ours, health and safety is of great importance and is a cross-cutting pillar in all our operations. Aware of this, in 2021 Life First was born, a corporate program of the UNACEM Group with the firm commitment to prioritize life over any other business aspect and take the value of safety and health to a new level.

In this way, in Celepsa we assume the challenge of achieving interdependence by 2030. A shared vision that means being a team that genuinely cares about the collective good, living a strong safety culture through visible leadership, commitment and zero tolerance for non-compliance with standards. 

Life First" Corporate Program Initiatives

This program has enabled us to achieve 0 fatal accidents through various actions and initiatives, putting life first:

  • Policies and guidelines: These provide us with a framework to identify, manage and reduce risks in our operations, in addition to being constantly reviewed and updated. It is important that our collaborators and contractors are aware of each guideline to ensure the promotion, respect and compliance with the defined standards, thus safeguarding life, integrity and personal health.
  • Committee formation: To monitor safety performance and guide the implementation of the program, we have a Life First Committee, where each company manager leads a management element of the program. In addition, to maintain the participation of our own and third party personnel, we have our Occupational Health and Safety Committee and the Strategic Partners Committee, with a leading role to generate more synergies among all of them.
  • Awareness spaces: We believe it is key to have spaces that encourage reflection and internalization of our safety and health value, so we implemented "Irradia Vida Primero" through this space we all share prevention issues and lessons learned before starting our activities.
  • Formación de competencias: Capacitamos y entrenamos de manera permanente a todos los niveles de la organización para reforzar su liderazgo y brindarles las herramientas necesarias para controlar los riesgos. Asimismo, contamos con brigadistas en nuestras diversas sedes administrativas y operativas, quienes están preparados para brindar una primera respuesta ante incendios, sismos y otras emergencias.

Program progress to 2023

At the end of 2023, and after months of developing the corporate Life First program, which includes 13 management elements as fundamental pillars for achieving interdependence in safety, we achieved a 50% increase in the level of safety maturity, as well as an increase in the safety perception of our employees, placing us above the sector average.

Everyone's commitment

On this Safety and Health at Work Day, we take the opportunity to stop and reflect on this important value and reaffirm our commitment to safeguarding our own and others' integrity, because it is in our hands to live a culture that transcends to all areas of our lives. We invite more companies to join this challenge in order to protect their employees, third parties and all those who are linked to their various operations with high safety standards. Together, we can go further!
