The Capillucas 2021 dam maintenance work finished today, Saturday, March 20th at 16:00 hours.
Celepsa announces that the maintenance action for the Capillucas 2021 dam will begin today, Friday, March 19th at 05:00 hours.
Celepsa informs that it began the closing of the gates and filling of the Capillucas dam reservoir, today Friday, March 19 at 15:09 hours.
Celepsa certifies that the Capillucas 2021 Dam Maintenance activity finished today, Friday, September 29th, at 15:04 p.m.
Pacficos Seguros has recognized Celepsa for its commitment to risk management in the workplace.
Owing to the end of the fiscal year, we inform Celepsa, Celepsa Renovables, and Ecorer.
Celepsa thanks its suppliers, customers, and the general public for continuing to follow our Code of Ethics.
The National Water Authority - ANA, the governing body of the National Water Resources Management System, has renewed the Blue Certificate.