
30 Sep 2022

Saint-Gobain receives "Triple C" Certification from Celepsa for using renewable energies in its operations.


Lima, September 2022 — Celepsa, an electric power generation company, is committed to achieving carbon neutrality in Peru by 2050. As a result, it awarded Saint-Gobain the "Triple C, Celepsa Carbon Negative Commitment" certificate in recognition of the use of renewable energies within its operations in the country during 2021.

"Last year, we had one of the highest CO2 production peaks in history, with 36.3 billion tons. As a result, to overcome the current climate emergency, more and more companies, governments, and civil society organizations must commit to lowering these alarming figures. Taking care of the planet is everyone's responsibility because it is the legacy that our children and predecessors will leave ", said Eduardo Herrera, general manager of Celepsa, an Unacem Group company.

Through this certificate, the electricity generating company, Celepsa, assured that Saint-Gobain used a volume of renewable energy corresponding to 1,981,913 kWh from water sources in its operations.

This recognition was presented at Celepsa's offices in San Isidro, in the presence of prominent Saint-Gobain figures such as Maria Elena Mendoza, innovation and sustainability manager; Adriel Añaños, head of the Huachipa plant; and Nolberto Vásquez, project manager.

In this regard, the innovation and sustainability manager of Saint-Gobain said that "We have found in Celepsa a strategic ally to continue adding value responsibly in our operations. We are aware of the climate emergency that our planet is going through, so we seek to make our industrial processes more sustainable and thus contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the world.

We must not overlook the fact that, according to the International Energy Agency, global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 6% in 2021. However, more and more private companies are becoming aware of the climate situation and seeking to reduce these figures, being Celepsa an important ally for the fulfillment of these initiatives.