
27 Apr 2020

Procedure followed in Covid-19 cases at Camp San Juanito.


Monday, April 27th, 2020, San Juanito. After learning the preliminary results of the laboratory tests performed by the Cañete - Yauyos Health Network (confirming two positive cases, one negative case, and one remaining case awaiting the laboratory report), the company providing the surveillance service transferred four workers to Lima early today, directly and nonstop on the way, accompanied by an occupational physician and with the personal protective equipment required in these clinical cases.

Celepsa has been deploying efforts for the prompt recovery of the third party collaborators, to whom we express our support and solidarity in order for them to recover their health in accordance with the corresponding medical guidelines in the city of Lima, since the identification of the first suspected case.

On the other hand, Celepsa has been following a strict Operations Plan and Contingency Plan for Epidemiological Surveillance of Covid-19, limiting the possibilities of spread while also providing security: extreme disinfection and hygiene measures of environments, promoting frequent hand washing, using masks permanently, managing a strict distance and social isolation; and accompanying these practices with daily medical evaluations.

Finally, guided by its corporate values in these difficult days for Peru and the world, Celepsa continues to generate energy for the country, with the safety and health of people as an essential guideline; thus, the company reiterates its solidarity for the quick recovery of patients and expresses its commitment to all of its team members, who continue to work and do things right.


Claudia Noda, Communications Coordinator, can be reached at