
22 Apr 2022

Learn 5 tips for taking care of the planet from home on Earth Day


In the framework of World Earth Day, Lorena Gavio, Assistant Manager of Sustainability at Celepsa, an electric power generation company, provides 5 tips for environmental preservation that you can practice at home.

Pollution and degradation, according to the United Nations, affect not only different ecosystems, but also 3.2 billion people worldwide. As a result, Lorena Gavio is sharing some of her recommendations today. Take note!

Take care of your water: 
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, only 51% of Peruvian families in urban areas have access to water, compared to 2.6% of rural families.

"Aerators for pipes, for example, can be used to reduce water consumption. It is also critical to be aware of what we flush down the drain, such as when we flush used cooking oils or medications." Gaviño pointed out.

Reduce energy consumption: 
The use of electrical energy has increased in the last two years as a result of remote work to avoid COVID-19 contagions.

In this context, the expert advised replacing incandescent bulbs with LED technology bulbs, which use less energy. She also advised using natural light and unplugging any electrical appliances that are not in use.

Recycle and reduce: 
As a result of polluting waste in the sea, a person ingests the equivalent of a credit card on average per week, said a WWF study. In this situation, it is critical to be aware of the importance of purchasing products that can be reused without harming the environment.

Consumption of biodegradable or environmentally friendly products: 
We can now find products made from natural ingredients that allow us to reduce the environmental impact of our consumption.

At this point, it is critical that businesses train their employees in environmentally friendly practices. As well as its significance and the benefits of sustainability to everyone.

"As part of their corporate culture, more and more companies must raise awareness and educate their employees on sustainability issues. For example, we run recycling campaigns and advocate for the reduction of paper and plastic to aid in the planet's decarbonization ", concluded Celepsa's assistant manager of sustainability.