
13 Jul 2021

Innovative efficient energy management models: when businesses strive to save money, reduce emissions, and optimize resources


  • Celepsa's new Control Center provides a complete energy supply and timely information management solution.
  • Efficiency is achieved by operation-specific solutions, energy quality evaluations, metering systems, and renewable energy certificates.

Lima, July 8th, 2021 - Energy efficiency is a decisive factor in company productivity and competitiveness, particularly in industries such as industry and mining, among others, where operations involve relatively high electricity consumption while maintaining high quality and dependability standards. As a result, knowledge of the energy market and its trends, clean energy supply, and the flexibility to implement energy solutions are aspects that are increasingly valued when contracting electricity supply from a generating company.

"Traditionally, only competitive rates were sought when contracting electricity supply," says engineer Carlos Tupac-Yupanqui. "However, companies are now interested in optimizing their resources, having sustainable solutions adapted to each operation to automate processes and contribute to the fight against Climate Change; in short, efficient management models developed by experts who accompany them based on their experience and a great knowledge of the energy market."

Thus, energy efficiency consultancy, 24/7 management services through platforms such as control centers, the possibility of implementing energy quality measurement systems, self-generation, storage, and certificates of origin of supply with Renewable Energy Resources are becoming increasingly common in tenders for electricity supply contracts (RER).

The following are the four benefits of having integrated power supply management:

1. Ensuring the supply's quality and dependability

The customer can check the state of the energy supply in relation to the needs of their manufacturing processes and current laws. The measurement allows for the analysis of distortions caused by harmonics or poor voltage quality at the point of supply, as well as the detection of transient phenomena and SAG or SWELL type disturbances, as well as the identification of transgressions to the quality established in national electrical regulations. Any of these transient or stationary events can be discovered using measurement and diagnostic campaigns, allowing for prompt and cost-effective corrective action.

2. Control Center

This platform enables the utility company to monitor energy consumption 24 hours a day, seven days a week via a modern meter management platform, to provide immediate telephone attention in the event of events or failures in the national interconnected system via direct coordination with COES, to maintain the SEIN on a regular basis, and to facilitate the company's reporting to COES and Osinergmin. Furthermore, the engineering team in charge of these platforms can find or estimate savings opportunities for the customer as well as warn of potential cost overruns due to the state of the national electricity market.

3. Renewable energy certificates

Businesses like Celepsa have their Renewable Energy Origin Certificate audited by AENOR, ensuring that 100% of the electricity consumed is renewable. This strengthens companies' positions as sustainable and environmentally conscious businesses while also reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

This form of certification has various applications in companies that use a lot of electricity; for example, they are accepted by MINAM for the Peru Carbon Footprint program and can be given as qualities in financial settings.

4. Storage systems and self-generation projects

Celepsa, for example, can incorporate into its energy supply the option of installing battery storage systems (BESS) within the customer's facilities. These installations are modular, simple to install and provide a number of additional benefits, including lower energy prices due to regulated charges and reduced hours of usage of polluting technologies such as generators. Complete assistance also aids in the evaluation of alternative alternatives such as self-generation with photovoltaic or wind power systems.

They are emission-free projects that are economically appealing and make efficient use of all the client's resources.

Regarding Celepsa

Peruvian company that generates high-quality sustainable energy and is ranked among the top ten power generators in the country. Our task is to manage water resources sustainably and responsibly, contributing all the energy potential of our installed capacity and that of our people to the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN).

Our most ambitious goal is to accelerate the country's decarbonization by generating the sustainable energy required for development. As a result, AENOR certifies that 100% of the energy produced in Celepsa is of renewable origin in 2021.