
15 Dec 2021

Five tips for successful entrepreneurship


Fifteen years ago, Margarita Sanabria discovered a business opportunity and, with more enthusiasm than knowledge, founded the company Mi Valle in Yauyos, which since then has been providing general services to Celepsa with great efficiency.

To start an enterprise, in addition to effort and sacrifice, the idea must respond to a need to be satisfied or a service that can be covered. Margarita Sanabria had no prior experience with entrepreneurship when she founded a small company that now provides cleaning, gardening, and laundry services to Celepsa at its San Juanito headquarters in Catahuasi.


Margarita offers us these five essential tips to start a successful business, backed up by the good results obtained during this time. We must read all of them.

1. Understand your target audience

A common mistake is failing to identify what your audience requires. If you can identify it, you will have a captive audience for your product or service. Margarita did just that.

"I knew almost nothing about business at the start. When Celepsa arrived in Yauyos, however, I noticed that they might require cleaning, laundry, and gardening services. That's when I decided to make Mi Valle to fill the gap. They would no longer need to bring them from Lima. We will be celebrating 15 years of collaboration next year."

2. Surround yourself with the best team possible.

A good team is like the roots of a tree, so it is essential to surround yourself with trustworthy individuals who contribute to the growth of the business.

"Perhaps you won't find anyone to accompany you at first. I didn't persuade anyone when I first mentioned my idea. However, destiny brought me together with five ladies who trusted me and joined this venture, and we are now walking together.”

3. Maintain formality

Today it is no longer a business to be informal. On the contrary, following the law will allow you to be a supplier to large corporations, among other benefits.

"Nobody claims that becoming formal is easy; it requires many efforts and sacrifices. And this results in rewards. Celepsa has always been very supportive in our case. It's not just about which team you join, but also about the type of clients you want. Being formal has helped us to walk together and work hand in hand for many years."

4. Developing along the way

Margarita Sanabria is aware that no business is perfect from the start.

"There are always problems to solve and skills to learn. Everything is possible with persistence. We must understand where we are strong and where we are weak in order to work on, improve, and grow the business ".

5. Believe in yourself

Don't be afraid to try something new, defy conventions, and fight for your dreams.

"Being a woman or a man is not synonymous with business success or failure. We are five women members of Mi Valle who 'pay for the pot' in our homes. And we accomplish this by fighting for what we believe in, always with the desire to advance."

Regarding Celepsa

Peruvian company that generates high-quality sustainable energy and is ranked among the top ten power generators in the country. Our task is to manage water resources sustainably and responsibly, contributing all the energy potential of our installed capacity and that of our people to the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN).

Our most ambitious goal is to accelerate the country's decarbonization through the generation of sustainable energy required for the development. As a result, AENOR certifies that 100% of the energy produced in Celepsa is of renewable origin in 2021.