
22 Apr 2020

First suspected case of Covid-19 at El Platanal Hydroelectric Power Station


Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020, San Juanito. The first suspicious case was detected yesterday, Tuesday, April 21st, among one of the collaborators of the firm that provides security services in the San Juanito - Cañete camp. Since learning about this specific instance, the company has been deploying measures to ensure its fast recovery, to whom we send our support and solidarity, as well as to his family members.

The third employee has been placed under medical treatment in total isolation in specially conditioned spaces within the camp, in accordance with the criteria established by the health authority (Minsa) the Cañete - Yauyos Health Network, for its part, has continued with the respective test.

Celepsa has been deploying various prevention and control measures, including direct personnel and those of its third-party companies, since the beginning, including strict social distancing, mask use, frequent hand washing, exhaustive cleaning and disinfection of environments, and daily medical evaluations to identify, control, and treat possible cases of Covid-19 collaborators. These control layers inhibit the spread of disease.

It should be noted that, since the start of the State of National Emergency and social isolation, Celepsa and its third-party companies have traveled in smaller vehicles hired by the company that transport them from their homes to El Platanal Hydroelectric Power Plant without stopping on the road for food or gasoline or having contact with local residents, and, of course, they have the corresponding labor and transit permit.

The other workers in the San Juanito camp have also taken the Covid-19 screening test, and thus far, all the results have been negative. In short, rigorous measures of social isolation and disinfecting of all camp surroundings are being implemented.

Electricity generating is a state-defined essential activity, hence it cannot be interrupted. Electricity is required for hospitals, police stations, fire stations, and other support institutions to function properly. As a result, Celepsa created certain measures to be followed in the face of the current health crisis, in accordance with its Operational Plan and Epidemiological Surveillance Contingency Plan for Covid-19 at the El Platanal Hydroelectric Power Station.

Finally, Celepsa is focusing on employee health care and collaborating with relevant authorities to promote public health. It also continues to make efforts for the employee's rapid recuperation and will maintain its prevention and control measures.

Claudia Noda, Communications Coordinator, can be reached at