
07 Jul 2021

Celepsa's operation and energy management control center highlights the company's commitment to digitization


Lima, July 2nd, 2021 – After a successful six-month white march, Celepsa's Control Center was officially inaugurated on June 18th, a modern platform from which the operation of El Platanal and Marañon hydroelectric power plants is monitored and managed remotely, in real time, in addition to the daily economic dispatch in coordination with COES and the service to all our customers.

This is the "most important milestone in the ten-year history of the company", in the words of General Manager, Eduardo Herrera: "We have reached a point where it was inevitable to embrace innovation and develop a control center that is the pillar of our digital transformation and the search for solutions for our customers, because this transformation is also of the business, and in this sense, the customer is part of everything we do".

"It has required the effort of many individuals, many areas involved to have a platform that allows us to work in coordination, make choices in real time, and be permanently linked to the coordination with COES," Herrera explains.

The foundation of our digital transformation

Celepsa, as a renewable energy generating firm, thus provides an integrated management and consulting service through a coordination protocol with free clients, facilitating the enhancement of the quality standards of electricity supply and strategic information management.

These are the major advantages of this center, which is located inside Celepsa's headquarters in Lima's La Victoria district:

•    A sophisticated PME meter management platform provides continuous monitoring of energy consumption.
•    Direct coordination with the COES and the distribution and transmission businesses allows for immediate response to events or faults in the national interconnected system.
•    Maintenance and rationing scheduling coordination in the SEIN. Celepsa protects the interests of the client in all operational situations.
•    Monitoring the power market, discovering savings potential for customers, and issuing alerts in the event of cost overruns.
•    Supervision and monitoring of deployed energy solutions and self-generation projects.
•    Assistance to the client in the compilation of COES and Osinergmin reports.
•    Implementation of complementary services with a business focus for the national interconnected system.
•    Fundamental regulatory guidance.
•    Engineers with extensive experience in commercial and operational procedures.

The Scada system

According to the Control Center's head, Hector Ocharan, the heart of this space is the Scada system built by Celepsa's engineering team, a software to oversee the remote operation of the generation units at El Platanal and Marañon power plants.

There are five generation units between the two plants "Mechanical equipment with a constantly rotating turbine coupled to a generator, the proper operation of which is dependent on critical factors such as temperature, which is controlled by a hydraulic unit. Any event in the field triggers an alarm in the Control Center, which is promptly reported to the operational teams of both plants, allowing an inspection to take place." He claims.

Economic dispatch on a daily basis

This platform's architecture also takes into account Celepsa's status as an agent of the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN), whose short, medium, and long-term operations are overseen by the Economic Operation Committee (COES). One of the key responsibilities of the Control Center's engineering staff is to coordinate with this body 24/7, 365 days a year, always seeking to meet the country's energy needs while maximizing our margins.

"COES is in charge of running the national system and determining how much each connected power plant will generate, a process known as economic dispatch. Celepsa performs a daily schedule as part of that dispatch, and part of being agents of the system includes providing services such as secondary regulation, which means that the individual units constantly modify their generation based on the power required by the SEIN." Ocharan says.

Celepsa, a member of the UNACEM Group, strengthens its commitment as a Peruvian firm dedicated to the generation and sale of sustainable and reliable energy for its customers with the establishment of this Control Center.

Service channels

Control Center:
Commercial Operation and Management Coordinator
01-6192800 Annex 3004

Head of the Control Center:
Ing. Héctor Ocharan Orrego
01-6192800 Annex 2871
999977220 / 989048331