
01 Sep 2021

Celepsa awards OPP Film a Renewable Energy Certificate, confirming the clean use of all its stocks in 2020


OPP Film reaffirms its commitment to sustainability by acquiring 100 percent of its energy from renewable sources. The certificate was awarded along with Celepsa's Triple C Label, which seeks to organize actors from the commercial sector, the government, and civil society to accelerate Peru's decarbonization.

Lima, 1 September 2021 – Celepsa delivered the Celepsa Renewable Energy Certificate to OPP Film S.A., a Peruvian subsidiary of the Oben Holding Group, with the goal of contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions and aligning with the national goal of 2050, which recognizes as clean one hundred percent of its operations through the use of renewable energy.

OPP Film joins Celepsa in pursuit of a common goal (accelerating Peru's decarbonization). In this regard, OPP Film received this certificate after acquiring 158,791,712 kWh of energy from water sources during the year 2020.

"Obtaining this certificate brings us great joy because it allows us to reaffirm our commitment to sustainability while also allowing us to meet our new strategic partner, Celepsa. We both share the same goal of achieving a carbon-free Peru "remarked Vanessa Olcese, general manager of OPP Film Peru, at the certificate presentation ceremony.

Eduardo Herrera, Celepsa's general manager, stated that the company's goal this year is to accelerate the country's decarbonization.

"In that sense, we called upon an international company such as AENOR to certify that 100% of the energy we produce and deliver to the country is renewable. As a result, in collaboration with our Zero Carbon Commitment group, a group of companies committed to renewable energy, we are pleased to award OPP Film the certificate demonstrating that its integral energy consumption in 2020 was produced using renewable energy sources, as a sign of commitment to sustainability and making Peru more sustainable."

Celepsa has become the first Peruvian generator to be certified as producing 100% renewable energy. This accreditation, issued by the international corporation AENOR, is the first milestone in the company's core goal of accelerating Peru's decarbonization through a shared commitment with its customers and stakeholders.

The Renewable Energy Certificate was delivered to OPP Films along with the Triple C Label - Celepsa Negative Carbon Commitment - a brand that strives to organize participants in the commercial sector, the state, and civil society around its purpose.

Celepsa will now make the Triple C available to corporations and organizations of all sizes that are committed to fighting climate change and joining all efforts to secure Peru's carbon neutrality by 2050.

Regarding Celepsa

Peruvian company that generates high-quality sustainable energy and is ranked among the top ten power generators in the country. Our task is to manage water resources sustainably and responsibly, contributing all the energy potential of our installed capacity and that of our people to the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN).

Our most ambitious goal is to accelerate the country's decarbonization through the generation of sustainable energy required for the development. As a result, AENOR certifies that 100% of the energy produced in Celepsa is of renewable origin in 2021.