
15 Nov 2021

Catahuasi Municipality inaugurates sanitation and sewage works in Chavin


  • The project will benefit not only the 70 families in the town but biodigesters were also built for residences distant from the center axis.
  • Celepsa provided funding for the study.

After 20 years, approximately 70 Chavin residents have benefited from the installation of a modern sewage system and a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which will allow them to enhance their sanitary conditions while also contributing to environmental protection.

Management in collaboration with local stakeholders

"Through collaborative management with the Municipality of Catahuasi and the people of Chavin, it was possible to carry out this significant project, which represents a significant contribution for the benefiting families and future generations in the area. Celepsa reaffirms its commitment to society and the quest for partnerships that contribute to population development and environmental care, such as this renovation and expansion of the sanitation and sewage infrastructure. We can accomplish the well-being of our people if we work together, "Giovanna Valverde, Celepsa's Deputy Manager of Social Management, stated.

It should be emphasized that the work not only benefits the households in the central part of Chavin but the remote dwellings have also been served with the building of biodigesters so that the entire Chavin population has benefited from the sewage and sanitation work.

"We have to underline the need and relevance of this type of work because more than 7 million people in our nation do not have essential services; a scenario that has not been alien to Celepsa, as we have demonstrated in the co-financing of this project," Valverde continued.

It is crucial to highlight that the management of the work began with the first social investment payment under the Cooperation Agreement between the Municipality of Catahuasi and Celepsa, as well as its supplement of March 26th of this year and has a total investment of more than 700,000 soles.

Regarding Celepsa

Peruvian company that generates high-quality sustainable energy and is ranked among the top ten power generators in the country. Our task is to manage water resources sustainably and responsibly, contributing all the energy potential of our installed capacity and that of our people to the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN).

Our most ambitious goal is to accelerate the country's decarbonization through the generation of sustainable energy required for the development. As a result, AENOR certifies that 100% of the energy produced in Celepsa is of renewable origin in 2021.