
24 Feb 2023

Beginning of the Capillucas dam reservoir filling as part of its maintenance


The Capillucas dam is located at 1,520 m.a.s.l. and has a containment capacity of up to 1.2 million m3 of water. This is equivalent to filling more than twice Lima's National Stadium.

What are the stages of maintenance work? Below, we describe the process in three stages:

1. Emptying of the dam: It is accomplished by gradually opening its floodgates. The gradual emptying of water from the dam takes between 4 and 5 hours, after which maintenance can begin.

2. Maintenance itself: Let the river's natural force drag the dam sediment. This continues its journey through the river until it reaches the sea.

3. Filling of the dam: It is done through the gradual closing of its floodgates. The filling of the dam takes approximately 4 to 5 hours.

It is imperative to mention that during all the processes mentioned, we monitor the water, verifying the care of the species in the river. In addition, we monitor the water quality before, during and after maintenance.