16 Oct 2024
Availability of the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study for the La Quebrada 2 Wind Power Project and its Interconnection to the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN)

We inform that, in accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) through Official Letter No. 0849-2023-MINEM-DGAAE dated September 11, 2023, and the Modification of the Citizen Participation Plan approved by Directoral Resolution No. 0189-2023-MINEM/DGAAE, the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-sd) for the La Quebrada 2 Wind Power Plant project and its interconnection to the SEIN, located between the districts of Nasca and Marcona, in the province of Nasca, Ica region, has been made available. This project will be developed by Ecorer S.A.C., a subsidiary of Celepsa, and includes a connection to the expansion of the Cahuachi Substation.
The study can be accessed electronically here. Inquiries and suggestions can be sent to the following email:, or submitted physically in the Suggestion Box located in the Pajonal Bajo town center, unnamed road, Nasca, Ica. Additionally, the document can be requested at the offices of the Regional Directorate of Energy and Mines of Ica, the Provincial Municipality of Nasca, and the District Municipality of Marcona.
Similarly, a copy can be requested from the General Directorate of Environmental Affairs in Electricity (DGAAE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Access to this study is guaranteed under the Transparency and Access to Public Information Law, allowing any interested party to review it.